Handbook of

Medical and Healthcare Technologies


Editors-in-Chief: Dr. Borko Furht and Dr. Ankur Agarwal

Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, USA



Potential contributors:

Send an email to bfurht@fau.edu



Springer is launching a new Handbook of Innovative Medical and Healthcare Technologies with the main objective to provide a variety of research and survey articles (~18-36 pages) contributed by world experts in the field. Springer is committed to create a successful and unique Handbook in this field and therefore it intends to support it with a large marketing and advertising effort. Potential contributors should express their interest by sending an email to Borko Furht at bfurht@fau.edu or Ankur Agarwal at aagarwa2@fau.edu




This Handbook will include contributions of the world experts in the field of medical technology and a variety of applications from academia, research laboratories, and private industry. Medical and Healthcare Technology refers to a wide range of healthcare products that are used to diagnose, monitor, and threat diseases or medical conditions affecting humans. Recent advances in mobile and wireless technologies, medical imaging, nano- and telemedicine, knowledge and data mining, information technology, and other interdisciplinary areas, provided a framework for a signicant growth of the field and introduction of innovative products and systems. The Handbook will present the current state-of-the-art in this explosive filed, and introduce innovative systems, applications, and techniques developed by experts in the field worldwide.



1. Contributors solicited and TOC defined   June 1 - October 30, 2012
2. Articles/entries delivered       February 1 , 2012
3. First draft of Handbook completed   March 1 , 2013
4. Handbook delivered to the Publisher  March 15, 2013
5. Handbook published  July 1, 2013


Links to important documents

Sample Chapter

(in MS Word)



1. MS Word and LaTex are acceptable formats.

2. Include in text only B/W FIGURES (high quality and clear).

3. Submit separate files for all figures and tables. You can also submit color figures (for the Web version of the Handbook).
3. Follow the format of the sample chapter
4. Follow the format of references in the sample chapter
5. Include index terms at the end of the chapter

Please, fill out and send CAP Form

LaTex format

LaTex sample 1

Latex sample 2

Latex sample 3


  • Medical technology breaktroughs

  • Knowledge mining

  • Medical imaging

  • Mobile and wireless medical systems and devices

  • Innovative medical devices

  • Software automation in medical device industry

  • DSPs in medical imaging

  • Nanomedicine

  • Cloud computing in medical applications

  • Wireless video transmission technology in medical applications

  • Telemedicine

  • Electronic medical records

  • Tissue engineering

  • Virtualized medical devices

  • Medical device connectivity

  • Orthopedic systems and biomaterials

  • Innovative surgical technology