COP 4331 (5862/99S)
Assignment 4:  Java Applet
Implement SLOTE as a Java Applet

Implement SLOTE as a Java applet.

You will need to design the user interface using AWT components.  The reasonableness of the interface will be a factor in grading the project.

Use a 20 line text area to display the output.  Each displayed line should begin with a three-digit line number followed by a colon and a space.  Here's an example:
    001: This is the second line.
The first line will have number zero.  Note that the numbers are a feature of the display and are not part of the line being edited.

Because applets cannot directly access files, this version of the program will neither read nor write a file.  (Not very useful, but we'll reslove that issue in the next version of the program.)

The supporting web page should contain a brief description of the editior and instructions on using it.  On the web page also indicate the browser to be used for testing the applet.  This must be one of the following:  Netscape 4.x, Internet Explorer 4.x, AppletViewer 1.1 or 1.2.


You may work on this with a partner or individually.  If you work with a partner the following conditions apply.

What to submit

  1. Source code for your Java classes
  2. Source code for the web page supporting the editor
  3. A printout or drawing showing your user interface
  4. Submit your java source code files with hwroy
  5. Place the web page index.html in your directory ~/public_html/cop4331/slote/.  Make sure the permissions on the directories and the file are correctly set as described on the course home page.
Last Update:  18 Mar 1999 by  R.Levow