(The content of this page changes frequently)
This course teaches students the principles of neural networks, neural network architectures, and learning mechanisms. It also teaches students hands-on experiences in designing/implementing neural networks to solve real-world problems, such as digital character classification or face recognition. Students will learn basic architectures of supervised and unsupervised neural networks and how neural networks can be used for applications such as classification. The course will also cover deep learning networks, and deep learning applications.
Topics:Homework (including Project) | 65 | Final Examination | 30 |
Participation | 5 |
Your final grade will be based on the scores you have earned from the above categories (compared to the performance of other students in the class).
Late policy:All assignments are due midnight on the assigned due date. Please refer to the Assignments and Projects for details on submission. Late submission is allowable, however, the late penalty is -2pts/day.
Communication:All important course announcement and communication will be done through . When communicate through emails, please use your fau.edu email address. Sending email to me from another account is disencouraged, and if you do you must set the reply-to field to your FAU email account if the message concerns grading or evaluation in any way. Please include course code CAP5615 and your name in all messages concerning the course.
All work in this course must be INVIDUAL effort unless specified otherwise.